Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hollande: Flight to Egypt crashed

French President Francois Hollande said the information obtained so far indicate the plane of the airline of EgyptAir bombers that went missing on a flight from Paris to Cairo crashed.However he said it is still premature to say very clearly what kiliisibu trip flight number MS804, and that there is still a possibility that disappeared due to other reasons."The information we have gathered so far, ministers, government officials and, of course, officials of Egypt, affirms, with sadness, that the plane crashed. Ilitokomea."

Flight to Egypt stop appearing rebounds Paris
Direct: Flight to Egypt stop appearingMr Hollande has promised that his government would provide the necessary assistance to officials of Greece and Egypt that continued efforts to track down the plane.

The office of the prosecutor of Paris said it has initiated an investigation concerning the disappearance was imepaa flights from the airport of Charles de Gaulle, Paris with 15 French nationals.

The plane also had 30 Egyptian citizen, a citizen of Iraq and 2 individual citizens from Britain, Canada, Belgium, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Sudan, Chad and Portugal. Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail has told reporters that efforts to search for the aircraft continues. Egypt and Greece officials are using aircraft and ships search for the plane in the Mediterranean sea. The plane had 66 people ilipotoweka imewabeba 16 kilometers into the sky of Egypt.