Monday, April 25, 2016

News world

Abortion in Europe: Northern Ireland Conviction Inflames DebateAbortion rights advocates protest the conviction of 21-year-old woman for taking abortion pills in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on April 7. Unlike the rest of the United Kingdom, the law in Northern Ireland rules that terminating a pregnancy is illegal except in very limited circumstances. 

There's one thing that both anti-abortion and abortion-rights activists agree on. There's a shift underway in Europe — in politics, prosecution and protest. Battle lines are drawn for what threatens to be a nasty fight, with both sides taking cues from the U.S. In Part One of a series, NBC News examines the debate.


Remember Donald Trump's suggestion that women be punished for abortions? Across the Atlantic it isn't just a throwaway suggestion from a politician. It's now a reality in a corner of the U.K. — and a chilling reminder to one woman.
"It could've happened to me," K. says.