Saturday, May 7, 2016

JPM warns against sugar hoarding

President John Magufuli issued the ultimatum when addressing residents of Katesh township in Hanang District, Manyara Region. The president was on his way to Arusha from Dodoma yesterday afternoon.

The head of state was commenting on the scarcity of sugar in various areas across the country, something which has also been associated with the rising prices of the commodity.
“There are some scrupulous business people who have started sabotaging the nation’s economy through buying large stocks of sugar from factories and instead of releasing it into the market, they hide the consignment in order to make people suffer.
Consequently, the traders reap higher profits due to escalating prices,” said Dr Magufuli. The president said his government is already working on the issue and that all stocks of sugar that are being hidden under cellars, will be uncovered and distributed free of charge to local residents. The business people who are currently hoarding sugar also risk having their licences revoked.
The “penalty for this serious case of sabotaging the economy and playing with people’s lives, is that among other legal steps, they will also never be allowed to operate anywhere in Tanzania,” maintained the head of state.
As for the banned imports of sugar from overseas, Dr Magufuli pointed out that, the same racketeers collude with their overseas counterparts. They have been importing sugar that had either been past its usage dates or about to expire and selling the same to unsuspecting Tanzanians.
President Magufuli commences his Arusha tour this weekend, starting with commissioning of Officer Cadets at the Tanzania Military Academy in Monduli District today and inaugurating the PPF Commercial Complex in Arusha City on Monday.
The president arrived in Arusha after travelling by road from Dodoma, via Singida, Hanang and Babati in Manyara Region and along the Arusha-Dodoma highway through Minjingu and Monduli.
According to a report from the State Information Agency (Maelezo), the president used the opportunity to meet and address residents along the way. This is Dr Magufuli’s second trip to Arusha after becoming president. He first visited the region last January when he also commissioned Officer Cadets at Monduli